Hodgdon Retumbo

from: $4299

SKU: N/A Categories: , Product ID: 5125


Hodgdon Retumbo


RETUMBO (Hodgdon Retumbo) is a magnum powder was designed expressly for the really large overbored cartridges such as the 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum, 30-378 Weatherby Magnum, etc. RETUMBO adds 40-100 fps more Velocity to these catridges when compared to other normal magnum powders. In addition, it is an Extreme Powder, making it perfect for big game hunting under all types of conditions.hodgdon retumbo load data

Warning About Smokeless Powder:

  • Do not exceed the loads displayed in the reloaders guide.
  • Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source.
  • Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or any Black Powder substitute.
Cartridges such as the 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum,
30-378 Weatherby Magnum, etc. RETUMBO adds 40-100 fps more velocity to these cartridges
when compared with other normal magnum powders. In addition, it is an Extreme Powder,
making it perfect for big game hunting under all types of conditions.



Additional information


1 Pound, 8 Pound


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